terça-feira, 25 de setembro de 2012

Programme [UPDATED]

Belfast Sustainability Jam Programme

2nd November:

17h00 - Reception of Jammers
17h30 - Welcoming session
18h00 - "Sustainability"- Concept and Reality [to be confirmed]
18h30 - Revelation of  the "Global Theme" and "Achievements" for Global Sustainability Jam 2012
19h00 - New beginnings... Hint: What does the "Global Theme" suggest to you? What do others think about it?
20h00 - Dinner time
21h00 - The concept... Hint: Select a group, an idea and prepare to develop it.
22h00 - End of day one

3rd November:

9h30 - Reception, briefing of the day and methodology proposals
10h00 - Research and develop... Hint: Is your idea original? Yes? Great! No? How can you do it better?
13h00 - Lunch time
14h00 - Design and model... Hint: Sketch, draft, prototype.
15h00 - Share and exchange... Hint: Present your idea/prototype to others and listen to their comments
16h00 - Design and model...
20h00 - Dinner time
21h00 - Evaluate and plan... Hint: Is anything missing or delayed in your project?
22h00 - Keep working or go for a pint!

4th November:

9h30 - Reception and briefing of the day
10h00 - Create! Hint: Finalize the project/prototype final version.
13h00 - Lunch
14h00 - Introduce! Hint: Market your project to others.
15h00 - Submission of prototype documentation (i.e. text, photo, video) in the Global Sustainability Jam platform
16h00 - Closing of Belfast Sustainability Jam

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