quinta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2012

Frequently Asked Questions

I come from outside Belfast. Do you have any suggestion about a place to stay?

For Jammers that come from outside Belfast, our recommendation for lodging is the Belfast International Youth Hostel (http://www.hini.org.uk/hostels/Belfast-International). From the Hostel, to the Belfast Sustainability Jam venue, is a 15 min walk through the city centre.

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Are meals going to be provided?

The organisation will not provide meals. However, the venue is located in the heart of Belfast Centre, with plenty of shops and restaurants around. We may help to organise and deal with food orders, though, so you don't have to pause your jamming :)

What sort of materials should I bring?

It is up to the Jammers to bring the materials they think might be usefull. We would recommend though, that you bring a laptop and other materials you usually work with. We will provide some basic materials, like post-its, markers, paper and glue.

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